Are companies fighting a losing battle in terms of CX?

Customer expectations are outstripping the capabilities of companies to meet them. The problem, according to a range of recent research and opinion, is the lack of investment in digital business models that enhance operational capabilities while creating value for customers. Companies that don’t fully embrace digital transformation will be fighting an uphill battle to keep customers satisfied.

Marketing takes the lead

Marketing has stepped up to take a greater role in leading CX initiatives across the enterprise, according to recent research from Salesforce. Though CX encompasses much more than marketing, marketers have a unique perspective of customer needs, behaviours, and challenges. Hopefully, greater alignment between all enterprise departments will erode the silos that are minimising the …

The Never Ending Quest for Talent

You might have the right CX strategy, the right products and services, the right technology and infrastructure yet without the right people your future will be uncertain at best. Organisations need to adapt their ‘customer experience’ strategies in line with sweeping changes to the talent marketplace. Their future may depend on it. Different generations have …

Making matches in cyber heaven

Matchboard is an innovative online platform that connects businesses with the most appropriate suppliers for their needs. Reducing the need to undertake extensive research and evaluation of numerous tenders and proposals, Matchboard provides a shortlist of the most suitable providers. We talk to Sharon Melamed Matchboard founder and Suncorp innovator of the Year 2018. Melamed …

BAU vs Innovation: The biggest CX challenge

Most enterprises understand what they need to do in terms of CX and their digital strategy. They appreciate the need to be agile, innovative, and to engage employees as well as customers with the brand. Their challenge lies however, in deciding what resources to allocate to innovation and new strategies vs Business as Usual (BAU) …

Australian startup unlocks the value of online volunteering

Vollie is an online volunteering platform, allowing not-for-profits and charities to connect with qualified professionals and students for skills based volunteering. Founded in 2016 and launched in 2017, Vollie has so far delivered 7000 hours of volunteer work worth over $370,000. Their success has been built on adopting a ‘customer experience’ approach to engaging millennials …