Two years ago, the Salvos Stores embarked upon their customer experience journey by deciding to put their customers and the communities they serve at the heart of everything they do. As a result, when COVID struck, they were well prepared to cope and adapt. Salvos Stores maintain 330 retail outlets across Australia, selling pre-owned clothing, …
A seismic shift in consumer behaviour and emotions is currently occurring. The events of 2020 will permanently alter people’s beliefs, experiences and feelings. Deeply ingrained consumer behaviours and habits have been altered in response to the COVID pandemic. For Australian brands to stay relevant and understand what makes their target consumers tick – they must …
An outstanding array of Australian CX thought leaders gathered on the 6th October to share stories on how their teams met the challenges of the COVID pandemic. Though each story was unique, the one thing that was common was the importance of customer empathy – the ability to understand what customers are experiencing and feeling …
The increased pace of digital transformation, due to the COVID pandemic, has drastically changed the cybersecurity landscape. The potential impact of these changes and their ramifications for CX are significant. Organisations who can maintain a safe and secure digital environment for their customers, will have a substantial advantage over competitors who can’t. A survey …
You get the best insight into your business from your customers. They’re the ones who are experiencing everything firsthand. Your clients use your website, speak with your employees, and use your products. Feedback is an essential part of any business because it improves your customer’s experience, refines marketing strategies, and can help predict the future …
Most Australian employees expect things to improve in their workplaces as a direct result of changes being made by employers and their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They expect to see more flexible work schedules, greater focus on hygiene and for employers to take greater notice of employee feedback. Will Australian employers live up to …
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, customer support teams have been on the front line, contending with increased ticket volumes at the same time as having to adapt to changing circumstances and shifting customers’ needs and expectations. With the complexities of remote working added to the mix, it has been a highly pressured time. In these circumstances, …
PEXA is an online property settlement platform used by 150 financial institutions as well as more than 9,000 legal and conveyancing firms across Australia. Lisa Dowie, Chief Customer Officer for PEXA, explains how PEXA’s commitment to providing exceptional experiences for its members and employees has helped the organisation cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. A world …
COVID-19 has changed workplaces permanently, and the call centre is no exception. Across Asia, where the technology and security allowed, call centre employees were sent home to work remotely. When work-from-home hasn’t been possible there have been some devastating consequences, such as the virus spreading rapidly if a single employee becomes infected, such as the …
It’s often said that to succeed, Customer Experience practitioners need a unique blend of resilience, patience and resourcefulness with a good dose of empathy. To fulfil an organisation goal of being customer centric and for your CX strategy to succeed, you will likely need to overcome the problem of organisational silos, where c-level executives and …