Some great Aussie CX innovations may take the world by storm

In recent years a number of unique CX innovations have been produced in Australia. Almost all are being developed by small companies led by passionate entrepreneurs trying to solve a customer experience problem that has frustrated them for years. Our local innovations are impressive but many lack the necessary capital and marketing clout for wide …

How Service NSW led the way to customer-centric government

Mark Atterby talks to Steve Griffin the architect behind Service NSW, by far the largest and most successful digital transformation / CX project in government. Steve explains how Service NSW overcame the challenges to create a one-stop-shop for government services. In March 2011 the O’Farrell Government was elected in NSW with a key election commitment …

Business leaders fail to own the customer experience

Few organisations, according to a recent report from Altimeter, have a coherent method for aligning customer experience with business strategy. This misalignment is impacting the decisions and investments business leaders are making to improve the customer experience. It also limits their understanding of how CX can contribute to tangible business goals and the overall strategy …

Using customer data to drive actionable Insights – Part I

The insights gleaned from analysing customer data feeds the design process for creating better customer experiences. Most organisations realise the importance of these insights to improve customer loyalty, reduce costs and generate sales. Yet the challenge remains – how do brands turn the vast amounts of customer data they collect into actionable insights? Different departments …

Are you reactive or proactive with your customers?

Creating an exceptional customer experience requires a pro-active and forward looking approach. Even if you are quick to respond and resolve issues once they are raised, being reactive will inhibit your ability to stand out in the eyes of your customers. What was exceptional service yesterday is now the standard. All your competitors do it …

How to create a positive web experience for your customers

Your website is often the first experience a customer has of your organisation. A negative experience will tarnish future interactions, driving potential customers into the arms of your competitors. On the other hand, a positive web experience will encourage greater engagement – converting website visitors into paying customers. A substandard web experience stems from placing …

How AI and Robotics is reinventing CX

We are starting to see AI (Artificial Intelligence) being deployed in ‘every day’ situations. It’s potential to reshape the way consumers interact with brands, for the benefit of both, presents a series of significant opportunities as well as challenges. The latest advances in automation, software and robotics are allowing computers to do things we never …

Are you in touch with your customer’s reality?

Organisations are making increasing use of data and analytics to build a more comprehensive picture of their customers. Everyone recognises that the benefits of this are potentially substantial. But the challenges to achieving are just as significant. How does an organisation make the crucial shift from processing data and reporting to gaining valuable insights? How …

Mapping the customer journey

Customer journey maps are an important first step in understanding the experiences of customers. From initial contact to final purchase it highlights the key interactions the customer has with the brand, identifying gaps or pain points in the customer experience. All too frequently, however, the exercise fails to drive positive change within the organisation. A …