The emergence of AR (Augmented reality) promises to revolutionise the customer experience by offering immersive experiences for both consumers and employees. Many do question, however, what is the actual potential …
The call to “Go digital” has been echoing in boardrooms across the globe. It’s a herald of momentous and ground shaking change with potentially far-reaching consequences. Disruption and innovation caused …
Essential to creating a disruptive culture is to promote and cultivate independent thinkers. Companies that thrive in times of radical disruption drastically reinvent themselves by: Clearly seeing the changing environment …
Charles Darwin told us: It is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. In today’s business environment the …
By Joe Tawfik, CEO of Kinetic Consulting Services. Leveraging the latest in AI technology and robotics, chatbots are expected to replace numerous jobs in the contact centre industry. In one …
Social media listening is a popular practice for companies to understand more about their brand and its position in the marketplace. Its true value, however, is about understanding customers and …