Why The Number One Priority for CX Leaders in 2020 is Trust!

Customers and employees want to engage with brands that are honest and transparent. Trust is a critical differentiator that can catapult an organisation above its competitors. Trust, unfortunately, is not prioritised by most organisations Brand trust creates loyalty and advocacy, not just between brands and customers, but also between employees and managers within an organisation. …

Aligning customer experience with employee experience

Organisations that understand the link between happy engaged employees and happy engaged customers will exceed in the experience economy. Successful EX (Employee Experience) equals successful CX. Yet these strategies are often not aligned to the detriment of both employees and customers. Research from the XM Institute highlights how organisations that are CX leaders consistently demonstrate …

Don’t forget the EX in pursuit of the CX

Giving employees collaboration tools via the cloud and unified communications (UC) to create better customer experiences (among other critical objectives) is smart business … and Australian business leaders know it. Employees are being given access to tools from anywhere via any device, to encourage collaboration and productivity across an organisation’s communications network, be that between …

Predictive Talent analytics – Analysing the employee experience

By analysing employee data, in a similar manner to how they assess sales and marketing data, organisations can significantly improve business performance while reducing recruitment and hiring costs. It’s a challenge for organisations to leverage this data. But the rewards promise to be substantial. Organisations are looking for the ability to make better talent decisions …

The Never Ending Quest for Talent

You might have the right CX strategy, the right products and services, the right technology and infrastructure yet without the right people your future will be uncertain at best. Organisations need to adapt their ‘customer experience’ strategies in line with sweeping changes to the talent marketplace. Their future may depend on it. Different generations have …

Curiosity, Innovation and the Customer Experience

Curiosity is a basic human instinct. The desire to gain new information and experiences has led to numerous breakthrough discoveries and inventions. If fostered in the workplace it drives innovation and collaboration, solves intractable problems and allows us to see new possibilities and opportunities for growth. It’s also fundamental to an organisation’s ability to add …

Who wants to be a Chief Customer Officer?

Chief Customer Officers (or roles with similar titles and responsibilities) are being appointed in ever increasing numbers to boards across Australia and overseas. This reflects the increased effort and importance organisations place on improving the customer experience. So how does one become a Chief Customer Officer (CCO)? What skills, experience and aptitude are required? What …