home Customer Experience, Loyalty 12 actionable tactics brands can take to build loyalty with their customers

12 actionable tactics brands can take to build loyalty with their customers

New report, published by Intuit, highlights 12 tactics brands need to adopt to build loyalty with their customers. The report includes findings from a survey of 4,000 consumers across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia – with 1,000 participants per market – and qualitative interviews with eight global marketing experts. 

The Science of Loyalty” report uncovered that as brands and marketers build stronger relationships with their existing customer base, those customers are significantly more likely to purchase from the brand again, a cost-effective solution to the rising costs and resources it takes to acquire new customers. With 88% of Australian consumers expressing a preference for brands that make them feel good, diving into science-backed loyalty strategies can assist brands and marketers with setting their brand apart from the competition. 

“Loyalty is more important than ever,” said Michelle Taite, Chief Marketing Officer at Intuit Mailchimp. “Our study found that 78% of Australian consumers will only purchase from brands that are trustworthy, highlighting the significance of establishing a strong connection while guaranteeing credibility. However, surprisingly, only 50% of shoppers expect brands to reward them with deals and discounts, highlighting the changing patterns of consumer loyalty.”

“In today’s ever-changing business landscape, characterised by overwhelming amounts of data and endless options, brands and marketers should be equipped with the tools and resources needed to build marketing strategies that make an impact and build meaningful connections that drive loyalty with their customers,” adds Michelle.

The 12 Tactics of Loyalty

To better understand the inner workings of loyalty, the report outlines “12 Tactics of Loyalty” to assist brands and marketers with building meaningful relationships with consumers. 

  1. Smart exposure: Be top-of-mind with strategically placed brand codes and symbols.

Almost half (46%) of Australian repeat purchasers said they know a lot about the brands they purchase from. This rises to 60% globally among Fandom purchasers, who feel they know the brand best.”

  • Familiar foundations: Build familiarity by showing up in trusted spaces.
    About half (48%) of repeat purchasers in Australia said that recommendations from friends or family help them decide what to buy.
  • Choice validation: To encourage renewed commitment, help customers feel justified in their choice. 

Only 52% of inert and 51% of habitual customers globally had a very favourable opinion of their preferred brand, but this rises to 84% among fandom purchasers.

  • New routines: Build repeat purchases into your customer’s routine.

Routines are powerful drivers of loyalty. 25% of Australian consumers will repeatedly purchase from the same brand because it’s part of their routine. Globally, 35% of those who purchase on a daily or weekly basis said their preferred brand was the only one they’d consider (vs 22% among those purchasing monthly or less).

  • Smooth selling: Remove obstacles that could disrupt customers’ shopping journeys.

Ease of purchase was the no.1 brand association for Australians with 97% of repeat purchasers saying their preferred brand makes it quick and easy to purchase; this was the number one brand association for repeat purchase shoppers. 

  • Easy decisions: Create friction-free experiences that combat choice fatigue.

Half (49%) of all email subscribers in Australia explore new product offerings through brand emails and 42% went on to make a purchase after reading the message.

  • Gift giving: Promote organic peer-to-peer marketing through gift giving.

Less than half (36%) of Australian customers have recommended their preferred brand to friends or family, and only 20% have given it as a gift), revealing an untapped opportunity for brands to spread the word. However, globally, this increases among 18-24 year olds, of which 43% have recommended their preferred brand to family and friends and 30% have given it as a gift.

  • Insider status: Help customers feel heard by asking for, and responding to, feedback.

The most popular method of contact is email with over half (55%) of Australian shoppers looking to keep in touch with brands this way and 22% subscribed to an email/mailing list – the highest among surveyed countries. Other popular methods of contact are SMS (20%) and social media (16%). If a brand can’t offer quality customer service across channels, 1 in 4 said they would consider switching brands.

  • Meaningful rewards: Personalise reward programs with customer lifestyles to boost satisfaction.

While 50% of repeat Australian purchasers said they’d like their preferred brand to provide them with deals or discounts, rewards aren’t always about monetary incentives. In fact, 88% said their preferred brand made them feel good, which was the second biggest driver of loyalty, after consistency.

  1. Game on: Gamify your rewards to foster a sense of achievement and fun.

28% of repeat purchasers in Australia said they’d like to receive loyalty reward perks from their preferred brand. However, only 18% have joined a loyalty benefits program, suggesting untapped potential.

  1. Shared Interests: Build emotional resonance by aligning with a cultural niche or value. 

31% of Australian consumers said they would consider switching brands due to environmental impact (13%) or unethical manufacturing (18%).

  1. Sense Of Ownership: Actively engage consumers to foster a sense of co-collaboration.

Customers are keen to provide their thoughts and experiences to brands, with over 1 in 4 (24%) Australian email subscribers participating in surveys or feedback.

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