How much are bad customer service experiences costing your business?

The cost of bad customer service in Australia is estimated to be $74 billion annually, according to a recent study by Qualtrics. This sobering figure underscores the importance of prioritising excellent customer service in today’s competitive landscape. The true cost, however, might be even higher, considering the additional strain placed on understaffed teams struggling to …

The ‘value beyond’ – The secret to delivering unexpected value for customers!

Imagine catching an Uber and not only reaching your destination quickly, but also receiving insightful recommendations from your driver for your evening plans. This simple example illustrates the essence of what David Stone, VP of Growth at Concentrix, refers to as the ‘value beyond’. It’s about exceeding customer expectations by going the extra mile, understanding …

Metlifecare chooses InMoment’s CX Platform to manage resident and customer feedback

Metlifecare, established in 1984 is one of New Zealand’s largest retirement village providers. They currently own and operate 37 retirement villages throughout the North Island of New Zealand. Positive experiences directly impacts the emotional and physical well-being of residents who live in Metlifecare’s villages. From seamless onboarding and responsive staff to a vibrant social calendar …

Is VES the best measure of future customer loyalty?

In the battle for customer hearts and minds, reliable metrics are critical. The Value Enhancement Score (VES) is a rising star, touted as a more nuanced predictor of customer loyalty than traditional stalwarts like Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT). VES, developed by Gartner, measures how customer interactions impact confidence in a product …

Voice of the Customer – The latest Innovations shaping business success

Over the years, VoC (Voice-of-the-Customer) methodologies have undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from traditional surveys to dynamic, multi/omni-channel programs powered by cutting-edge technologies. VoC programs have become critical for understanding customers, anticipating their needs, and driving successful business decisions. Voice of Customer (VoC) strategies serve as the cornerstone for businesses aiming to create exceptional customer …

Customer Contact Week Australia and New Zealand is back for 2024!

As channels and touchpoints expand and evolve, engineering a seamless customer contact journey has become increasingly technical. Combined with the challenges of talent recruitment, technological integration, and limited resources – focusing on identifying the most impactful moments and delivering excellence will be key to drive satisfaction, loyalty – and boost business profits. The aim this …

The evolving role of Chief Customer Officers in driving business growth

The role of Chief Customer Officer (CCO) has evolved to become a crucial component of organisational strategy. CCOs are now at the forefront of driving business growth by championing customer-centric initiatives, fostering brand loyalty, and leveraging data-driven insights. Traditionally, companies were structured with a strong focus on sales, marketing, and product development. While these functions …

Harnessing knowledge management  for customer delight & self-service

Imagine calling a customer support hotline, and the representative knows your name, understands your previous interactions with the company, and can offer solutions tailored to your specific needs. This level of personalisation is made possible through Knowledge Management (KM). By centralising customer data and interactions, companies can ensure that every touchpoint with a customer is …

Do Australian corporations truly care about customer experience?

Prominent Australian brands like Qantas, Coles and Woolworths have recently faced a storm of criticism with consumers questioning their priorities. While these companies rake in substantial profits, many Australians grapple with the burden of soaring living costs. Do Australian corporations genuinely care about customer experience, or are they more focused on maximising their gains at …

Early customer feedback can save your product from costly mistakes

Product development is a complex journey filled with various risks that can pose challenges for businesses. From design flaws and functionality issues to concerns about market viability, these risks can lead to costly delays, unhappy customers, and damage to a company’s reputation. It’s crucial for businesses to understand and tackle these risks head-on to ensure …